Business Aviation Articles

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keys to transformational change - compass with "change"

Keys to Transformational Change: Focus, Aim and Reinforce

By Jim Lara

The last three of 10 keys to transformational change management wraps up this important series. Review the “finishing touches.”

vision statement gray stone advisors

7 Ways to Create an Inspiring Team Vision Statement for Your Flight Department

By Steve Brechter

If you could define the most successful flight department, what would it look like? Learn 7 ways to create an inspiring team vision statement.

green laser beam - organizational alignment - gray stone advisors

Organizational Alignment: The First of 7 Essential Keys to Success

By Jim Lara

At Gray Stone Advisors, we help our clients achieve organizational alignment, and it starts with the first of 7 essential keys to success.


Business Aviation Staffing Levels: What’s the Right Number?

By Jim Lara

How many maintenance techs, pilots and flight attendants does your flight department need? Jim Lara helps you determine yours aviation staffing levels.


Reading for Leading, Part II: Books for Aviation Leaders

By Jim Lara

Given the nature of the aviation profession, it’s not easy to find the time to read. But for those interested, here’s Jim Lara’s “Reading for Leading” list.

Process Management - process-driven flight department

Process Management: The 5th of 7 Essential Keys to Success

By Steve Brechter

What is process management? When smartly applied, it frees you from constant intervention in day-to-day tasks. Steve Brechter explains why and how.

aviation budgeting 101

Aviation Budgeting 101: Answering the Question ”How Did You Do This Month?”

By Jim Lara

To help you understand the real economic drivers of your aviation organization, we’re sharing some Aviation Budgeting 101 techniques to help you know where you are, financially, every day of the year.

Business Aviation Insider

Business Aviation Insider: An Interview with Phil Stang

By Jim Lara

Want to know what it’s like to lead a large flight department? Check out this Business Aviation Insider’s interview with VP of aviation, Phil Stang.

Individual Development Plan

How to Write an Individual Development Plans & Performance Improvement Plans for Your Flight Department

By Jim Lara

Are you hearing HR acronyms like ‘IDP’ and ‘PIP’? Learn how to write an Individual Development Plan (IDP) and Performance Improvement Plan (PIP).


Why Inheriting Oversight of the Aviation Department is not a Death Sentence

By Steve Brechter

Do you oversee the aviation department? If aviation is not the core business of your company, we’ll give you the key steps to succeed in your new and vitally important position as an Aviation Reporting Executive.

two shaking hands corporate business jet

As Seen in AIN: Survival Skills for Flight Departments

By Jill Henning

It’s imperative that today’s business aviation managers have a seat at the table at corporate headquarters. Here are survival skills for flight departments.

employee engagement is business aviation

Employee Engagement in Business Aviation

By Steve Brechter

Steve Brechter shares 10 reasons why employee engagement in business aviation is a challenge and what you can do about it.

leadership competencies - 6 ways to think and act like a leader

6 Ways to Think and Act Like a Leader

By Steve Brechter

It used to be that someone in a leadership role was regarded as having been appointed to that position—or even anointed with it. The person became a “leader” simply by achieving a certain status or title within the company. The myth was that when you reached a certain grade level or acquired a certain job

How great do you really want to be? speedometer needle rising past words Fair Good Great Excellent

How Great Do You Really Want to Be?

By Jim Lara

Are you destined to do great things? How about your organization? How great do you really want to be? First you must learn to answer the hard questions.


5 Ways to Increase Employee Engagement in Business Aviation

By Jill Henning

In a recent article, we reported on a rather alarming study done by the Gallup Organization, which found that only 29 percent of employees in the U.S. today are “motivated and engaged.” The other 71 percent are at some level of “disengagement.” If that was the eight-cylinder engine in your car, you’d be firing on

business aviation directors offer advice to newcomers

Ready to Lead ? Business Aviation Directors Offer Advice

By Kim DiMetro

Are you ready to lead a flight department? In this post, four business aviation directors offer advice to newcomers who want to tackle the role.

Flight Department Consolidation - Merger

Flight Department Consolidation: When Two Become One

By Jim Lara

Call it what you will—a merger, joining forces or acquisition. When there’s a flight department consolidation, the end result is change. And lots of it. As a business aviation leader, it’s your role and responsibility to produce the finest possible outcome for the corporation or your high net worth owner. And you must come to

Hierarchy-of-Commitment vs compliance ray-stone-advisors

Commitment vs. Compliance: How to get your aviation team to “I want to do it!”

By Jim Lara

A committed person says, “I will do it!” A compliant person says, “I can do it if I am told to.” Learn the difference between Commitment vs. Compliance.


Praise for our Articles and e-Newsletter, The Advisor

Doug Schwartz Manager, Global Aviation Services, ConocoPhillips

"The Advisor newsletters have been great. They always contain useful and thought provoking material, are short easy reads and well constructed. I get about 200 emails a day and delete many without reading them. I always read these. Good work."

Joe Loccisano (formerly Director of Maintenance, CSC Transport)

"Your aviation maintenance metrics article is spot on. We tend to focus on getting the job done, focusing on speed and quality. You have taught us that the measurement and documentation of the accomplishments are VERY important downtown [at corporate]. They (executives) need to be shown the value we provide in terms they can understand. It truly is the only way for them to justify our existence and appreciate the service we provide. Your entire site should be required reading for all flight departments in my opinion."